Tuesday, April 29, 2008

This year has sucked so far

Well since the begining of this year I have had so many people I know pass away. Most have died from some type of cancer. In January a family friend passed away after a long fight with lung cancer. Then in March my grandpa passed away from cancer. He had only found out about 4-5 months before that he had the cancer. He spent Christmas and New years in the hospital and after that it went down hill. He only got worse. They said he was to weak to go through kemo or radiation so all we could do is sit and watch him die. He passed on March 7th. Then on March 23rd some of my very close friends Father passed away after his very long battle with cancer. Then on March 26th my cousins Grandma passed away it wasn't from cancer but she had been having troubles for a long time. In and out of the hospital. Then on April 7th my other grandpa passed away. He did not have cancer but he was in a wheel chair and had been in and out of the hospital. So this year has really been a bad year and I am hoping it only gets better. I honestly can't wait for it to be over and to see if 2009 is gonna be any better. I know I sure hope that it is.

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